Monday, September 3, 2007

Monday morning

Still more slow but steady progress. We are in the home stretch of weening hom off supports. The process is a blanacing act, but as I say, progress has been made although Jerry is still very critical condition. The next 1-2 days will be dynamic. As Jerry is weened completely off all supports, alot can happen. You can see below from the prayer requests that Jerry needs to hit specific benchmarks over the next 48 hours.

Specific prayer requests:
1. Be thankful that we have gotten this far.
2. Continued protection from further complications or setbacks.
3. Pray that Jerry can get off the Dobutamine drug, reduce his depence on the pump w/normal oxygen levels (specifically with his PEEP steady at 5) and oxygen saturation at 90 or above, and pray for a safe reduction in sedation.
4. Pray for a safe extubation.
5. Continued strength and patience.

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