Sunday, October 21, 2007

From Debbie on Saturday Morning 10/20/07

I'm at home in Bloomington, alone, but comforted as Jerry is everywhere here. Currently, I am listening to "The Music Man" soundtrack, very LOUD, just as Jerry would so often do with all music. Music has provided a great source of comfort, smiles and relaxation recently.

I was pleased to see so many of those who love us in the last many days. That too provided great comfort. I have also heard from so many of you who could not be here and we felt your love too. I am planning to come to Florida the week of Oct 28th for a few days. I feel the need to see many of you, but cannot tolerate any second formal service. Instead there will be a "gathering of friends", I will let you know where and when specifically in the next few days.

I feel your love,

1 comment:

Tina said...

We were both shocked and saddened to hear about Jerry. I am lost for words please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you.

Tina and Bob