Tuesday, October 9, 2007

From Debbie on Tuesday afternoon....

Things are about the same. BP continues to do well with out the Lebofed. He is challenged with communication, pain and anxiety. His hemoglobin remains unstable and this is a concern. Today he will have a CT scan of the abdomen and lungs to look for possible bleeds. I am praying he does not have any further complications. He is also finding it hard to sleep so he spends alot of time feeling exhausted. Currently his mind is ahead of his body in the recovery and that is driving up anxiety, sleeplessness, pain etc. I understand this is typical for ICU patients. Typical but frustrating.

Specific prayer requests:

Pray that he does not have any further complications.
Pray that the CT scan is informative in guiding his care.
Pray for his anxiety to be reduced and sleep to improve.
Give thanks for another day to try to get well.

Thanks, we feel your love. Deb and Jer

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